
Via Galileo Galilei, 13/B, Sarmeola di Rubano, 35030, Italy

B—Line is a company, brainchild of its founder, Giorgio Bordin, that restores life to several historical icons of design on the Italian scenario. These are works that have disappeared over the years, made obsolete by the unrelenting ferment of a market that is brimming with innovation. Of the products re-edited, some have made history “contaminating” many facets of art and design, shaping their style and interpreting the mood of the fabulous Sixties and Seventies, to such an extent that the young entrepreneur Bordin could not possibly have allowed them to be forgotten. B—Line’s path started t...

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Email: info@b-line.it

Telephone: +39 049 8978245

Logo: Logo

Website: https://www.b-line.it

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Address: Sarmeola di Rubano Italy 35030 Via Galileo Galilei, 13/B
